Hernia surgery

Hernia specialist in Pune

All you need to know about Hernia

Hernias can happen to anyone. Worldwide, more than 20 million patients undergo groin hernia repair annually. There are as many types of hernia surgeries as many surgeons are there. Each one has his or her modifications for the type of hernia. As long as two of the most basic criteria are met, any type of surgery is considered equally good to the other. The two criteria are safety of the patient and efficacy. Any type of hernia surgery whether laparoscopic [...]

stomach pain

Can you repair Hernia without surgery? Know Symptoms of hernia from Hernia Specialist in Pune

Know about Hernia treatment: Hernias can’t Solve with their own. Only surgery can repair a hernia. Many peoples are able to delay the surgery for a long time. And some people might be no need to do surgery for a small hernia. But without surgery, one can’t repair a hernia. So why to delay for a month and years. The hernia surgery may be performed by laparoscopy or by an open procedure, where the surgeon directly repairs the hernia through [...]